69 Readers
96 Writers

Ironic Contradictions

I'm a long time reader - since way back when I was seven. That makes it over three quarters of my life that I will be a reader for. But it is worth it. When I'm not reading or wasting my time online on here or Goodreads I'll be off playing video games, studying teaching and messing around with friends and pop culture. Or reading some more.

The Lighthouse of Mythology

Here is another poem I just wrote. It's raw so feel free to criticize, but there is a main point I'm trying to convey with this one again.

A legend goes forth
This a message in a bottle.
A genie trapped, imprisoned
Sailing ‘cross a sea of solidarity
Forever to face no fate
But the fate of desperation.

In the end, we desperate men.
Are bound to the vessel’s helm
Strapped to the current of time.
Yet very now and then,
Our voyages collide
At an intersection of hope.

So as these words so depart,
I pray that they shall find a mark.
Where at once a kinder soul
Shall rise with the blazing sun
And though burn in pyrrhic victory,
Will fly as the phoenix might.

Reborn again upon the wind,
In the light of newer day.
Shall they see an ocean gleam
As a pool, a scattered bay?
So misery is lighter then,
And treachery, oh, cannot stay.

And so, with burning wings,
I phase away the siren mist!
I melt away the guilty past!
I defy the demons in you!
Be at peace oh troubled one,
Set to rest your aged myths.

No man is an island -
A world of tortured thoughts -
Where banished Calypsos wander
And harpies scream and roam.
No sorceress, no Cyclops shall,
Make your mind their home.

So I ask: oh, leave the sea,
Those waves which sink and steal,
Put behind you now.
Be in truth the people I love,
With that sorrow lost,
And your hope refound.
So that I may turn and see,
That which I long to be:
A monument of eternal joy,
A lighthouse of shining peace.