I stumbled on this earlier today: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/58919-am-i-missing-something-about-mistborn-im-really-not-seeing-where-all-this-praise-is-coming-from/
It amuses me because on this fan site for G.R.R Martin's books his fans are giving the exact thoughts I think about his books. Middling, not exactly the revolution for fantasy that people say, bland characterisation etc.etc. Also anyone bringing Cormac Mccarthy in for literature discussion turns me away - the man might be aiming for poetry but it's a poetry with less lyricism than people acclaim. It feels stilted. But that's how I feel about it. Plenty of his fans think opposite. Are we both right? Both wrong? What?
Where am I running with this? People have differing opinions. I guess it's worth considering other opinions when making your own statements about your opinions...